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Her wow experience

Wednesday 28 October 2015

To end or not to end? That is the question

When you come to the end of something there is always that little hesitancy to what one has to do next. And the end sometimes comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes it is a painful end but immediate relief, like the birth of a child. Sometimes is is a prolonged end, where you know the end is coming but you know there is still 6 weeks left or 3 days left. I don't always appreciate those. And then there is the open ended ending. The one you don't know when it is really the end or whether you are just ending it because you have had enough. I think that IT is like that. As soon as you have the latest package, model and you feel you have ended with the old, there is a better one on the shelf. There is just no end.

God said He is the beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last. So it is fair to say whatever ending you face, you can always know that He is the author and finisher of the the very faith He has given. He gives endings and He gives beginnings.

The question is still though: "What next?"

I have always thrived in planning and investigating and asking questions and probing. But there are things that just remain unknown and it remains out of your vision and out of your reach until the day He chooses to reveal it. This can be quite a daunting time. You know it is the end but you don't know how to end it.

And He is so clever. He will let it run on until you almost hit your head against a brick wall. I say almost, because we are suppose to listen to His leading. We are not going through life blindly, aimlessly or without purpose. He has mapped it all out for us to discover. But all in His time of course.

So the Word in Jeremiah says we are to remain with His living waters and not make broken cisterns that cannot hold water. Man made solutions are like cisterns. They are easy to hold, easy to contain. But they break. Remaining with His the fountain means you cannot control the water flow. But it sustains.

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